PERELLÓ volver


It is normally grown at more than 700 meters high and needs a cold environment.

In the Marina Alta you can find in Vall D'Ebo, Vall d'Alcalá or in Castell de Castells. The native variety of the region is called "cul de ciri". The perelló is collected when it is still green in the tree and matures covered in fabric for a month, until it acquires a acanelado color, at which time, it is ready for consumption. The skin is hard; it is recommended to consume it peeled. It is sweeter than the apple.

In the kitchen, the usual consumption is fresh and natural, as a single piece or in fruit salad. It also gives good results in the preparation of desserts, jams and ice cream. Perelló can replace any variety of apple in recipes that include it among its ingredients. As winter fruit, it is consumed mostly from November to May.